UHM Rally-B

Sváva's Ayla

Black Minature Schnauzer

Facts about Thea

Breeder and owner ; Sussan S. Bælum Kennel Sváva, Denmark

Pedigree no.: 03771/2004 (Pedigree here)
Pedigree Name : Sváva's Ayla
Calling name: Thea
Date of Birth: 17.02.2004
Mentality test: Yes, only in Danish
HD: A (Free)
AA: 0 (free)      
PRA: FREE (2006-04-20) (2007-11-08)
Heigth: 32 cm (10 months)
Weigth: 6,1 kg (10 months)
Color: Black
Puppies: C-Litter 2006 (5 -3/2) - E-Litter 2008 (5 -3/2) - G-Litter 2010 (5 -2/3)


Thea in words

Sváva's Ayla is my first homebred dog, she is born as the smallest of the litter and she has stayed a small and smart girl.

Thea is our second miniature schnauzer.

Thea is very fond of water and are very good at swimming and enjoys a long swim in deep water with me.


Danish Schweissdog association.
- for hunter og dogowners and others with interest.


We're Members off:
Danish Kennel Club
Danish Miniature Schnauzer Club