Sváva's Elenna

Black Miniature Schnauzer

Facts about Tazhia

Breeder and owner ; Sussan S. Bælum Kennel Sváva, Denmark

Pedigree no.: 03771/2004 (Pedigree here)
Pedigree Name : Sváva's Elenna
Calling name: Tazhia
Date of Birth: 03-01-2008
Mentality test: Yes, only in danish
AA: 0 
PRA: Clear
Heigth: 30,5 cm (7 months)
Weigth: 5,5 kg (7 months)
Color: Black
Puppies: not yet

More to come - follow her on the E-litter

Danish Schweissdog association.
- for hunter og dogowners and others with interest.


We're Members off:
Danish Kennel Club
Danish Miniature Schnauzer Club